Friday, September 26, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Amazing Poem by Qazi Imam Yousuf bin Ismael Nab'hani(rehimahumullah)

I am the slave of the Master of Prophets ﷺ And my fealty to him ﷺ has no beginning. I am a slave of his ﷺ slave, and of his ﷺ slave’s slave, And so forth endlessly, For I do not cease to approach the door Of his ﷺ good pleasure among the beginners. I proclaim among people the teaching of his high ﷺ attributes, And sing his ﷺ praises among the poets. Perhaps he ﷺ shall tell me: “You are a noted friend Of mine, a truly excellent beautifier of my tribute.” Yes, I would sacrifice my soul for the dust of his ﷺ sanctuary. His ﷺ favour should be that he ﷺ accept my sacrifice. He ﷺ has triumphed who ascribes himself to him ﷺ - Not that he ﷺ needs such following, For he ﷺ is not in need of creation at all, While they all need him without exception. He ﷺ belongs to Allah alone, Whose purified servant he ﷺ is, As his ﷺ attributes and names have made manifest; And every single favour in creation comes from Allah To him ﷺ and from him ﷺ to everything else ~ Imam Yusuf Nabhani Rahmatullahi Ta’ala Alaihi ﷺ From Sa‘adat al-darayn fi al-salat ‘ala Sayyid al-kawnayn (The Bliss of the Two Abodes in the Invocation of Blessings on the Master of the Two Universes)

Poem in Praise Of Nalayne Pak

Upon this universe’s head is the sandal of Muhammad It has ascended, thus all of creation is beneath its silhouette At Tur Musa was addressed with “Cast off” whereas Ahmad Despite proximity wasn’t directed to remove his sandals A likeness representing a sandal of the noblest of prophetic messengers Wishing for the place of its dust are the loftiest stars As co-wives to it, are all the seven heavens altogether Jealous and envious, as are the crowns of kings The likeness of the sandal of the Chosen one; it has no parity For my soul it is solace, for my eye antimony How noble it is! An impression of a revered sandal For it, every head wishes it was a foot Since I realised the passage of time wages war on mortals I made for myself its master’s sandal a stronghold I fortified myself in its wonderful likeness In an impenetrable enclosure I attained in its shade, safety Verily I have served the likeness of the Chosen One’s sandal That I live in both worlds beneath its shade Ibn Mas’ud became felicitous by serving his sandal And I am felicitous by my serving its likeness Upon this universe’s head is the sandal of Muhammad (Allah bless him and grant him peace) - Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani rahimahu Llah -

Very Effective Durood

Allâhumma Salli wa sallim `alâ sayyidinâ MuHammadin, qad Dâqat Hîlatî adriknî yâ RasûlAllâh. )SallAllâhu `alayhi wa sallam( O Allâh, send blessings and peace on our Master, Muhammad )SallAllâhu `alayhi wa sallam(; i am confined and choking in my predicament, come to my aid O RasûlAllâh! )SallAllâhu `alayhi wa sallam( -- Imâm Yûsuf Nabhânî notes: "This is a du`â taught by RasûlAllâh SallAllâhu `alayhi wa sallam to the Muftî of Shâm, Hâmid Afendi al-`Imâdi in his dream, when one of the damascene veziers tried to arrest him. This is a proven du`â for succor and deliverance from distress and affliction. When he recited this du`â, Allâh delivered him from his distress. Ibn `Abidîn and others have mentioned that they tried this du`â and Allâh gave them relief and aid. I've tried it and Allâh has given me relief too. Many of our brothers have informed me that they've tried it too and found succor. I have mentioned other benefits of this Salât in my book `afDlus Salawât, `alâ sayyidis sâdât'; one may look up there if he wishes more."