Monday, March 31, 2014

Ummah needs Zikr

“Allah warns people [in the Qur’an]: And be ye not like those who forgot Allah; and He made them forget their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors! [Surat Al Hashr 59:19] They forgot about Allah and Allah made them forget about themselves, as a consequence. Look at the aya. How strong! You forget about the dhikr of Allah and Allah will make you forget about yourself. What does that mean? You are lost! And therefore, look at the Ummah. The situation of the Ummah requires lots of dhikr today. The individual situation of the Muslims requires lots of dhikr today. And that’s why you see the individuals are lost and the Ummah as a whole now is lost. Not Islam! Islam is preserved by Allah. But the Muslims have to work up to the standards of Islam. And the reason the tawfiq is limited is because the dhikr isn’t there. They forgot about Allah so Allah make them forget about themselves. If you forget about the dhikr of Allah, then you are going to have a serious problem in iman and tawheed. Al Imam Ibn Ataa’illah Al Iskandari said “If you do not occupy yourself with the Haq, yourself will occupy you the Batil.” Instead of occupying yourself with the dhikr of Al-Khaliq (The Creator), it wants you to occupy yourself with the dhikr of the khalq (creation).” Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy

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