Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Doing Zikr

“Doing dhikr, you’re walking in the street, driving your car, accustom yourself to doing dhikr without being distracted that is the easiest until you reach a point where you automatically make dhikr, unconsciously you make dhikr.” -Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi Hafidahullah

Sunday, April 27, 2014

On giving attention To Two Worlds

The man who gives his worldly life and his Hereafter equal attention, and has inwardly the same degree of concentration and eagerness and outwardly the same amount of effort and pursuit, is excessively foolish and stupid. What then of the man who gives more attention and effort to his worldly life? And what then of the man who pays no attention at all nor exerts any effort for his life-to-come? We ask God to guard us against this and all other afflictions and dangers and to guard our loved ones and all Muslims! - Imam 'Abdullah ibn 'Alawi al-Haddad

Demand answers and references

"If you’re not in the field of scholarship, you MUST demand answers and references. It is YOUR Deen. Don’t give it to anybody. In saying this, we’re not questioning the integrity of the people [being the scholars], but we’re questioning the references and the depth of knowledge. Among the signs of the Day of Judgment, Al Nabi salla Allah alayhi wa alihi wa sallam says as Imam Ahmad narrates in his Musnad with a Saheeh sanad that that there will be a time when El Rawaibeda speaks. The Sahaba asked who is El Rowaibeda ya Rasul Allah (salla Allah alayhi wa alihi sallam)? He said the one who is ignorant but seeks to address the masses. ‘Ta’aluq’ (or attachment) to Rasul Allah (salla Allah alayhi wa alihi sallam) is not based on jahl. It’s not based on stories. It’s not based on fairytales. It’s not based on dreams and illusions and delusions. It is based on ilm of Kitab Allah first." Sayyidi Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al Husayni al Ninowy

Friday, April 25, 2014

Quran is like a friend

"The Quran Is Like A Friend. The Longer The Friendship Lasts The More You’ll Know of Its Secrets, As A Friend Doesn't Reveal His Secrets To Someone Who Sits With Him For A Few Minutes and Then Leaves…" ~ Sh. Muhammad al-`AwaJi ~

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Imam E Azam abu Hanifa -radiallahu anhu

One love to the Hanafi school of thought. The Madhab that is followed by most of the world. Imam al-Azam is truly that. Ma Sha' Allah. Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti {May Allah have mercy upon him} relates that a certain visitor came to observe Imam Abu Hanifah {May Allah have mercy upon him} and saw him all day long in the Masjid, teaching relentlessly, answering every question from both the scholars and the common people, not stopping except to pray, then standing at home in prayer when people were asleep, hardly ever eating or sleeping, and yet the most handsome and gracious of people, always alert and never tired, day after day for a long time, so that in the end the visitor said: "I became convinced that this was not an ordinary matter, but it is that he has Friendship with Allah." {Tabyid as-Sahifa} Among the Hanafis and others it is famously said: “Fiqh was planted by 'Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, irrigated by Alqamah, harvested by Ibrahim an-Nakha’i, threshed by Hammad, milled by Abu Hanifah, kneaded by Abu Yusuf, and baked by ash-Shaybani. And the Muslims are nourished by his bread.” {Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Dur al-Mukhtar} via: Shaykh Luqman Al-Andalusi

That is the Message

“We’re all here to go. None of us is here to stay in this current form, in the body. Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala created the body to die. Otherwise, if He didn’t want to the bodies to die, He wouldn’t have created death in the first place. But you live with your soul, don’t you? How come we always nourish the body but neglect the soul? Don’t neglect your soul and just live with your body. That’s an awful waste of life! Love and unconditional compassion is the food of the soul. Revive your soul with love and more love and more love, and then more love. Love God; Love his creation. That’s the message." Sayyidi Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al Husayni al Ninowy

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Divide Your Time

A believer should divide his time into three parts--- he should supplicate to his Lord secretly in one, settle an account with himself in the second, and permit himself to enjoy the good and legal pleasures in the third. The intelligent should not travel except in three situations: seeking the worldly earnings, getting supplies for the life to come, and gaining a lawful pleasure. ~Imam Ali (A.S)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Imam Ghazali's Six Questions

One fine day, Al Ghazali was sitting among his students. He asked them six interesting questions: 1. Al Ghazali: Tell me the nearest thing in our life His students: Parents, teachers, and friends. Al Ghazali: It is death. Allah said, Every soul shall have a taste of death. 2. Al Ghazali: Tell me the farthest place from earth His students: Moon, sun, and stars. Al Ghazali: It is the past. No matter how hard we try, it is unreachable. 3. Al Ghazali: Tell me the biggest thing on earth His students: Mountain and ocean. Al Ghazali: It is passion. Because of it, we can be thrown into darkest pit of the hell. 4. Al Ghazali: Tell me the heaviest thing on earth His students: elephant and steel. Al Ghazali: It is the trust. 5. Al Ghazali: Tell me the lightest thing on earth His students: Wind, dust, and cotton. Al Ghazali: It is leaving five times pray. We leave it because of our job or business. 6. Al Ghazali: Tell me the sharpest thing on earth His students: Sword. Al Ghazali: It is word. Because people shall hate each other from words. -- From book "The Inspiring Words" by Deshinta Arrova Dewi (Believe it or not, what is mentioned in the statements above is true. Try to comprehend it by our logic, it's not only in my religion, Islam, but also for other religions. We cannot deny)

Sayiduna Abu Bakr As Siddique(radialllahu ta ala anhU) incident in childhood

When Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (Radi Allahu Anhu) was four years old, his father took him in front of an idol in the Ka'bah and said to him, "This is your mighty Lord, so make Sajdah to him." When he (Radi Allahu Anhu) heard this he said to the idol, “I am hungry, feed me. I am naked, cloth me. I will throw a stone at you, if you are the Lord then defend yourself.” There was no response from the idol. So he took a stone and hit the idol. The Divinely blessed power and force of the stone dropped the idol. On seeing this, his father became furious and slapped him on the face. He then took him home and complained to the mother. She replied, “Leave him alone because when he was born I heard someone from the Unseen saying to me, 'O servant lady of Allah! Glad tiding to you on the birth of this free child whose name in the skies is Siddique (Truthful) and he will be the close companion of Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam)'. At that time I did not know who Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) was and what all this meant”. Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allahu Anhu) personally reported this incident to the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). After he reported this, an Angel appeared and confirmed, "Abu Bakr speaks the truth and he is Siddique (Truthful)." This Hadith Sharif is recorded in "Ma'aaliyul Arsh ila Awaliyul Farsh" and quoted by Imam Ahmad Qastalaani (Alayhir Rahmah) in his commentary of Sahih al-Bukhari. — — — Malfoozat-e-AlaHazrat, Vol. 1, Page 60 Irshad al-Sari li Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Page 370 Mirqat al-Mafatih Sharh Mishkat al-Masabih, Vol. 11, Page 178

Shaykh Sayid Abul-Huda AlYaqoubi- Prophetic Miracles 2014

Two weeks ago Allah gave me a great honor to write a book of Salawat upon Sayyiduna Rasul Allah ﷺ. Something special happened to me and Allah honoured me with a great vision of Sayyiduna Rasul Allah ﷺ, I was in a state of ecstasy. I started writing Salawat and in a few hours I wrote 22 salawat then i went to sleep. I got up after about 3 hours and then I started writing again. In 5 five days i wrote approx 500 forms of prayers, by friday 600 prayers were written, some are unique in their style in the history of Islam. I wrote 77 forms of prayers using the 14 undotted letters in the arabic alphabet as are used in the name "Muhammad" ﷺ. Allah inspired me to write forms of prayers using the non dotted letters. I also wrote over 120 forms of prayers on Sayyiduna Rasul Allah ﷺ in the context of different islamic sciences (such as fiqh etc). I wrote the Salawat on Sayyiduna Rasul Allah ﷺ using the 99 names of Allah, demonstrating how each aspect of the name relates to the attributes of Sayyiduna Rasul Allah ﷺ and to us. I went through Al Quran and selected every single verse in which He ﷺ is mentioned and wrote Salawat from those verses, It is now longer than Dala'il al-Khayrat [the most celebrated manual of Blessings on the Prophet] written by Imam Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli al-Hassani (may Allah lighten his tomb). If I had planned to write it I would have probably spent a year to produce it. In less than a week i wrote it, I think I will call it Shifa'a al-Quloob (remedy of the heart). There are two special sections in it. There is a section on Haja'at (need) and the other Salawat al-Shifa (prayer of cure -15 forms). I finished the first version on friday. - Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad al-Yaqoubi | Prophetic Miracles 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Prophetic Sunnah Always Best Treatment

Over 1,400 years ago, whenever a newborn child was brought to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), he would chew a date until it was soft and then rub a piece of it onto the palate of the baby. This Sunnah (prophetic practice) is called Tahneek. Today, BBC News has reported that medical researchers in New Zealand have proposed that - "A dose of sugar given as a gel rubbed into the inside of the cheek is a cheap and effective way to protect premature babies against brain damage" This is one of the reasons why Muslims follow the Sunnah of the Messenger (pbuh) without questioning it. Science is only now discovering a tradition that was introduced 1,400 years ago in the deserts of Arabia. Islam in all its aspects has relevance today, tomorrow and forever.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Prophet's Special Mercy on Imam Nab'haani

"During my stay in Madinat al-Munawwarah, I once experienced extreme hunger. Presenting myself at the blessed tomb of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), I pleaded, 'Ya Rasulullah (s.a.w.), I am hungry!” Suddenly, I fell asleep. Meanwhile, someone awoke me and asked me to go with him. I agreed and he took me to his house. Serving me with dates, butter and wheat bread he said, 'Eat until you are satiated because my blessed ancestor Sayyiduna Muhammad (s.a.w.) has commanded me to be hospitable to you. Come to me whenever you feel hunger in future.'” Imam Yusuf ibn Isma’il an-Nabhani (q.s.)

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Rush also to the sincere repentance that will take you to God’s love for you. He said, God loves the repentant (2:222). How great is the repentance that takes to love! He who has repented [tāba] has turned back [anāba]; and he who has turned back has returned [āba]; and he who has returned has knocked on the door [bāb]; and he who has knocked on the door, the door will soon be openedfor him; and he for whom the door has opened, has seen the people of the realities [albāb], those from whom the veil [hijāb] has been lifted. I said by the grace of my Lord, Repent if you want the love of the Forgiving One for God forgives all sins. He is not disappointed by he who comes to him, repentant, he is saved by his repentance from what is other than Him. The heart is not straight in its actions until it repents to the One, the Subduer. The love of the world is an unsettling state of thirst and worry, so remove the thirst of your soul by making it renounce the perishing world and desire the everlasting One. If it desires, it renounces; and if it renounces, it finds, and if it finds, it becomes serious, and if it becomes serious, it rushes forth; and it it rushes forth, it arrives; and if it arrives, it connects. Shaykh Sālih al-Ja’farī al-Fawā’id al-Ja’fariyyah a Commentary on Forty Prophetic Traditions translated by Sidī Samer Dajani

How Strange We Long Not For The Provider but the provided!

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Surely I know an Ayat which, if people would have followed, would have sufficed for them concerning everything, ‘For those who fear Allah, He provides a way out for them, (and) He also provides them provisions from (sources) that they could never have imagined (Surah at-Talaq, Ayat 2-3).’” [Ahmad] An old man came to Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi. Overcome with sorrow he had unbuttoned his shirt, was clawing at and pounding on his chest and wailing. He came down on his knees and holding onto the sleeves of Maulana Rumi’s coat said, “I had a poor little child… only seven. They kidnapped him! I have become weak searching for him!” Maulana Rumi counseled him with, “How strange! All beings have lost Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) yet they do not search for Him, nor demand from anyone to help them find Him. They neither pound their chests nor tear at their hair. Such an old man as you destroys himself in the longing for a child: Why do you not seek Allah and ask for His help, so that you can find your Yusuf like Yaqub? The old man buttoned his shirt and repented. Soon he was given the good news that his son had been found. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) is the One who bestows the child. Above one’s love and search for a child, Allah must be sought and loved.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blessed Sandal

There is no equal to the impression of the Blessed Sandal of the Chosen Oneﷺ , It is Solace for my soul, Kohl for my eyes, So respect the imprint of the Exalted Sandals For every head wishes to be its foot. Verily I serve the image of the Sandal of Mustafa(salallahu'alay'he'wa'sallam) . That I shall live under its shadow in both worlds. [Sa’d] Ibn Masud radi Allahu ‘anhu was in the service of His Sandal. And I am fortunate by serving its image. I dust the Sandal image with the whiteness of my beard. Since the Prophet(salallahu'alay'he'wa'sallam) fastened the band that passed between His toes. It is not for the image that my heart is longing. Yet it yearns for the one who wore this Sandal. We are lowered by awe to honour this Sandal. And whenever we lower before it we are raised. So place it on the highest shelf! For indeed in reality it is a crown and only outwardly a Sandal. - Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani rahimahu Llah -

Love is more important than Oxygen

Can you live without air? The love and yearning for rasoolAllah salAllahu alayhi wasalam is more important to your soul than air is to your body Sayyiduna Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi