Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Imam Ghazali's Six Questions

One fine day, Al Ghazali was sitting among his students. He asked them six interesting questions: 1. Al Ghazali: Tell me the nearest thing in our life His students: Parents, teachers, and friends. Al Ghazali: It is death. Allah said, Every soul shall have a taste of death. 2. Al Ghazali: Tell me the farthest place from earth His students: Moon, sun, and stars. Al Ghazali: It is the past. No matter how hard we try, it is unreachable. 3. Al Ghazali: Tell me the biggest thing on earth His students: Mountain and ocean. Al Ghazali: It is passion. Because of it, we can be thrown into darkest pit of the hell. 4. Al Ghazali: Tell me the heaviest thing on earth His students: elephant and steel. Al Ghazali: It is the trust. 5. Al Ghazali: Tell me the lightest thing on earth His students: Wind, dust, and cotton. Al Ghazali: It is leaving five times pray. We leave it because of our job or business. 6. Al Ghazali: Tell me the sharpest thing on earth His students: Sword. Al Ghazali: It is word. Because people shall hate each other from words. -- From book "The Inspiring Words" by Deshinta Arrova Dewi (Believe it or not, what is mentioned in the statements above is true. Try to comprehend it by our logic, it's not only in my religion, Islam, but also for other religions. We cannot deny)

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