Monday, June 30, 2014

Taraweeh and science

Islam is the only religion where physical movements of Salat and Taraweeh prayers are combined with spiritual exercise. When Salat and Taraweeh prayers are practised throughout a person's life, recurring every few hours or so, trains a person to undertake the difficult task of meditation during physical manoeuvres of Salat and Taraweeh prayers, so that the Namazi(one who performs the Salat ) benefits both from spiritual as well as physical exercise. This prevents coronary heart disease (CHD), increases high density lipo-proteins (HDL or healthy Cholesterol), increases maximum oxygen uptake, slows the heart, lowers the B.P. slightly, decreases ventricular ectopic activity, enlarges the lumen of the coronary arteries and increases cardiac output, improves carbohydrate tolerance and improves late-onset diabetes, and helps cases of chronic respiratory diseases. Constant repetition of the Quranic Ayaat would help to screen the mind from the incoming thoughts. It has been found by a Harvard University researcher, Dr. Herbert Benson that repetition of a prayer, Ayat of the Quran or Dhikr of Allah or muscular activity coupled with passive disregard of intensive thoughts causes a "relaxation response" that leads to the lowering of Blood Pressure and decreases in oxygen consumption and a reduction in heart and respiratory rates. During the Taraweeh prayers, systolic Blood pressure may rise (the larger number in B.P.) a little and the diastolic Blood Pressure(the lower number in B.P.) may remain unchanged or even fall. However after the Taraweeh prayers are over, the B.P. may drop to just below normal levels which is a welcome sign. Taraweeh prayers improve respiratory efficiency. The increase in the maximal consumption of oxygen is what makes the Namazi feel better. Those who perform the Taraweeh prayers, apart from the prescribed Salat , are more alert and active than those who do not perform the Taraweeh prayers, even after the age of retirement. Taraweeh prayers improve physical strength and joint stability and reduce the risk of injury to the tendons and connective tissues. After age 40, the bone mineral density falls with age. Taraweeh prayers increase bone mineral density. -- Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Things To Do In Ramadhan:

Ramadhan Lecture Notes, This Lecture Was Delivered By The Amazing Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami Sahib Hafidhaullah. There Are 4 Acts Which Need To Be Done Throughout The Month Of Ramadhan: 1) Kalimah Tayiba - "La Ilaha Il Allah Muhammdur Rasoolallah" Constantly Repeat This 2) Doing Istigfar (Repentance) Seeking Forgiveness From All Your Past Sins. 3) My Favourite One - Asking Allah To Grant You A Place In Jannah. 4) Freedom - Asking Allah Almighty To Free You From The Hellfire. How Can I Attain True Spirituality In Ramadhan? - Eat Little, Because When You Eat To The Max You Are Feeding Your Nafs (Ego), Which Then Kills Of Your Spirituality. - Zikr, Do Lots Of Zikr! (The Soul Is Fed By This, And The Filth Is Removed From The Heart) - Alot Of Dawah To Islam!! (The Shortcut To Spirituality) Rewards In Ramadhan: - If You Perform Any Nafli Ibadah In Ramadhan You Get The Reward Equivalent To A Fard. - If You Perform One Fard In Ramadhan You Get The Reward of 70 Fards. - Ramadhan Prepares You For The 11 Months Ahead Of You, Think Wisely. Think About How Am I Gonna Rectify Myself After Ramadhan. Consistency Is Vital. Amazing Rewards In The Month Of Ramadhan: - The Heavens Are Decorated - Those Who Fast In Ramadhan Will Enter Through A Door On The Day Of Judgement Called Ar Rayan, They Will Have The Reward of Seeing Their Creator Allah Almighty 5 Blessings That Were Given To Rasoolallah Sallahu AlayhiwasallamsWhich Were Not Given To Any Other Previous Nation Or Prophet: 1) The Fishes Ask For Forgiveness For The One Who Is Fasting Until The Time Of Iftaar 2) Jannah Is Decorated 3) Shaitaans Are Chained Up 4) The Smell That Occurs From Ones Mouth When Someone Is Fasting Is More Beloved To Allah Than Musk Allah's Mercy Is Immense In This Month. Share, And Spread Beloveds. So You Can Achieve The Rewards. {Notes Taken From Friday Ihya}

Rewards For Performing Taraweeh During Ramadhan

According to Áli ibn Abí Tâlib, when our Prophet Muhammad (saw) was asked about the virtue of the Taraweeh and the reward for doing them, he said: 1ST NIGHT - Almighty Allah forgives all the sins of a mu'min. 2nd NIGHT - Your sins including your mu'min parents sins are forgiven. 3rd NIGHT - Below the Arsh-Allah's throne there an angel proclaims,'O, MU'MIN make good deeds with sincerity, Allah has forgiven your past sins' 4th NIGHT - You are awarded the sawaab of reading Thaurat, Injeel, Zaboor and the Quraan Majid. 5th NIGHT - You get sawaab equal to that which you would gain if you read your salaat in masjid Haram, Medina Munawara and masjid Aqsa. 6th NIGHT - You gain the sawaab of the Tawaaf made by the 70,000 angels made at Baitul Mamoor on the 7th sky. 7th NIGHT - You receive the sawaab of those good people who helped Musa A.S. when he fought Fir'un and Haman. 8th NIGHT - The rewards for the 8th taraweeh are equal to the sawaab awarded to Ibrahim A.S. 9th NIGHT - The rewards of this night are equivalent to the sawaabs awarded to our HOLY PROPHET - MUHAMMED S.A.W. [P.B.U.H] 10th NIGHT - Allah proclaims for you all the best in the world. 11th NIGHT - The reward for this night is that when a mu'min leaves this world, he goes with faith {Imaan} 12th NIGHT - On the day of resurrection you will appear with a face with so much (Nur) lustre on it, as much as the lustre of the 14th moon. 13th NIGHT - On the day of resurrection, you will be protected from evil. 14th NIGHT - On the day of resurrection, the angels will be witnesses for the taraweeh you are performing. On this evidence Allah will grant your entry into Paradise without account. 15th NIGHT - All the Malaikaas, the Hoories and the Arsh-wa-Kursie (Allah's throne) plead for you before Allah for his mercy. 16th NIGHT - Allah gives instructions: to free you from Hell - to allow you entrance to Paradise. 17th NIGHT - Allah grants you the sawaab of the Anbiya (Prophets) 18th NIGHT - On this night a angel announces that Allah is happy with you, and your parents. 19th NIGHT - The reward for this night is that Allah makes your position greater in Paradise. 20th NIGHT - On this night Allah rewards you by granting to you the sawaab of the martyred and the pious. 21st NIGHT - On this night, Allah builds a house with lustre for you in Paradise. 22nd NIGHT - On the resurrection ground you will arrive duly freed from sorrow and worry. 23rd NIGHT - On this night Allah makes a garden ('shaher') for you in Paradise. 24th NIGHT - On this night Allah grants twenty-four duas (wishes). 25th NIGHT - Allah lifts his punishment form your grave. 26th NIGHT - Allah increases for you the sawaab of 40 years. 27th NIGHT - The rewards for this night of Taraweeh are that you will be able to cross the Pul-Siraat (bridge) like lightning. 28th NIGHT - Your position in Paradise is increased by one stage. 29th NIGHT - Allah Ta'aala grants the sawaab of 1,000 'makabul' (accepted) Haj. 30th NIGHT - By performing this night of taraweeh you would be one of the many persons who, on the day of resurrection will hear Allah Ta'aala say in Paradise, 'Eat whichever fruit you like to eat, bathe with the water of Salsabil and drink the Kauser water! I am thy Lord and you are my person!'

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Twelve Months

"The twelve months of the year are like the twelve sons of Prophet Yaqub alayhis-salaam. And just as Prophet Yusuf was the most beloved to Yaqub, the month of Ramadhan is the most beloved to Allah. And just as Allah forgave the eleven brothers by the Duah of one, Yusuf. He can forgive your eleven months of sins by your Duas in Ramadan." - Imam Ibn Jawzi

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Soul from Imam Ghazalis Rawzatul Taalibeen

Adapted from Imam Ghazali's[ RadiAllahu anhu] Rawdhatul at Talibin :: Allah Most High says in the Holy Qur’an (15:26-29) that when He created man from black mud and fashioned him into the beautiful shape of a human being, and made him complete, HE BREATHED INTO MAN HIS SOUL FROM HIS OWN SOUL. That is what makes us His best creation, a whole universe, a microcosm containing all of creation, almost a divinity, BUT MORTAL, although we are blessed with something within us which is immortal, eternal. But can we identify the “soul”? Can we touch it, see it, feel it? Where is it within us? What does it do to us? We find an excuse for claiming not to understand the soul. We are told by Allah Most High Himself, addressing His most loved creation, our Master, (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam), that if they (we) ask him about the soul to tell us that “the soul is under the command of our Lord and of its knowledge we are given but little…” (17:85) -- But our soul is our only connection with our Lord, which came from Him and which will return to Him. And we are told, “He who knows himself (his soul) knows his Lord.” So we must seek. We must understand even if “we are given of this knowledge but little.” -- The soul is a light. And the receptivity, the ability to be lighted, enlightened with the human soul, is likened to a wick in an oil lamp. The oil lamp is the body, a manifestation of the Divine Attributes ya Khaliq, ya Bari, ya Musawwir: the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. The oil is life, a gift and manifestation of the Divine Attribute ya Hayy, the Ever-living. In the whole of creation,the wick is a unique gift, given only to the human being: Aql, intelligence, a manifestation of the Divine Attributes of ya Nur, the Light, and ya Alim, the Knower. To light this lamp of the human being, the wick must have the capacity to absorb the oil of the experiences and the mysteries of life. Human intelligence must absorb knowledge. Otherwise, it can not catch fire. When Allah Most High says, “I blow into him”, it is as if His ever-existing Nur, the Divine Light, touches the receptive human intelligence, and lights the light of the human soul. Intelligence which does not understand, which does not know, does not have the capacity to receive the eternal soul. That is why our master, the Beloved of Allah (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam) says, “He who does not have intelligence does not have faith or religion.” The soul is not contained within us like water in a cup, or like knowledge which enters our memory or mind. It is more like sunlight reflected on a window at sunset, or an image reflected in a mirror. But if the mirror is dirty, nothing will show in it. How does the soul’s light manifest itself in us? It is that which makes us see, hear, and smell, but not the usual way we sense things. The enlightenment of the soul should make us see true reality, even make us see our Lord, in the way of Hd. Ali (RadiAllahu anhu) who said, “I do not worship a God whom I do not see.” And indeed he worshiped him intensely. Or like Hd. Omar (RadiAllahu anhu.) who saw, from Madina, the Muslim armies in danger of being surrounded all the way in Persia and shouted “Pull back to the mountain!” and was heard. Or like the blessed companions of the Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam) who used to hear rocks and plants saluting the Beloved of Allah (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam). And like the Messenger of Allah himself (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam), who smelled the perfume of Hd. Uways al Karani (RadiAllahu anhu.) long after he had returned home and said, “I smell the presence of a friend.” And who furthermore looked into the eyes of Hd. Aisha (RadiAllahu.anha.), who had seen Uways, and saw him in her eyes. If we have a soul, we should be able to know ourselves, and in this knowledge know our Lord. adapted from Imam Ghazali's[ RadiAllahu anhu] Rawdatul at Talibin by Shaykh Tosun

Imam Shaafi(qadasallahu sira) taking Blessings from Imam Hanbals T Shirt

One of the students of Imam Shafii’ (rah), Rabi ibn Sulayman narrates: “One day Imam Shafii’ (rah) said to me: “Rabi, take this letter to Ahmad ibn Hanbal (rah) and then bring me the reply” I took the letter and went to Baghdad. I met with Ahmad ibn Hanbal at the dawn prayer which we prayed together. When Imam Ahmad (rah) came away from the altar I presented the letter to him and said: “This letter is from your brother in Egypt, Imam Shafii”. He asked me: “What is the letter about, do you know?” I replied that I did not know. Then Ahmad ibn Hanbal(rah) took the letter, removed the seal and began to read it. Suddenly his eyes filled with tears. I asked him: “O Imam. What is it? What does the letter say?” He said: “Imam Shafii’ saw the Blessed Prophet in his dream. The Messenger of Allah said to him: ‘Write a letter to Ahmad ibn Hanbal and send him my greetings of peace. He will be subject to instigation and it will be asked of him to make a ruling and say that ‘the Qur’an is created’. Beware and do not bow down to their demands. Allah will make his name be remembered and exalted until the day of Judgement’. I said to him: “O Imam! What great news this is for you!” Then out of happiness the Imam took off his shirt and gave it to me. After receiving the reply I then left for Egypt. I gave the letter to Imam Shafii’ who then said: “We would not wish to sadden you by taking from you the shirt that he gave to you. But at least take it and dip it in water and then give us that water so that we may receive a share of the blessings of that shirt”. (See Ibn al-Jawzi, Manaqibu’l Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, (thk, Abdullah ibn Abdulmuhsin at Turki) Cairo 1409 pg 609-610).

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Imam Maalik Extreme Respect On Listening Name of Beloved

Narrated by Sayyidina Musaib bin Abdullah rahimahullah : Whenever Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) would talk about RasoolAllahﷺ, the colour of his face would change and he would stand up with respect. Some people were surprised at this behaviour of the Imaam, so they asked him about it. Imaam Maalik replied, "You do not see what I see. If you would have seen what I see, you would not be surprised at my behaviour." Ash-Shifa : Qadi Iyadh, v.2, p.90

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Never obey of your ego

Never leave an atom’s weight of your regular devotional practice. Never be lenient with yourself in either relaxed times or those of high resolve. Indeed, should you miss some of your practice at a given time, redress it later. If you are not able to do your usual practice, at least occupy yourself with some other similar practice. Never obey your selfish soul even for a moment nor believe any of its claims no matter what it says. To the utmost, guard your resolve in all affairs; and should you resolve to do something, do it immediately before it abates or dissipates. Examine your soul constantly in matters you are obliged to do or those that you should do. Leave off anything you don’t need to do, even the recommended - in short, do not involve yourself in anything other than the absolutely necessary or that in which a real discernible need exists. [The Counsel of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq]

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fast on the 15th of Sha'ban

Sayyiduna Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu) has reported that the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said, "When the 15th Night of Sha'ban comes, do Qiyam (for worship) in the night and observe fast during the day. No doubt, Allah reveals a special Divine Manifestation on the sky above the earth from the time of sunset and announces, ‘Is there anyone seeking forgiveness so that I may forgive him? Is there anyone seeking sustenance so that I may grant him sustenance? Is there anyone afflicted so that I may relieve his affliction? Is there so and so...’ He keeps announcing this until the time of Fajr." [Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Page 160, Hadith 1388]

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Never demand a right for anyone.

Never demand a right from anyone, whether an intimate or a stranger. The reason is simple: a stranger owes you nothing, and one close to you is too important to direct your blame toward. Never assume that anyone in this world can really understand your circumstances other than from the perspective of his own circumstances, because, in reality, people see things only in accordance with their frames of reference and their personal path. However, when aims, purposes, and aspirations are similar, people tend to work together toward a common goal

Saturday, June 7, 2014