Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Two matters are necessary for a persons success

Imam al-Haddad (Allah sanctify his secret) said in hisHikam: 84- Two matters are necessary for a person in order to attain success in the next world: First: Guidance(hidayah)andtawfiqfrom Allah, which is like the rain which falls on the earth Second: Striving towards Allah upon the path of uprightness, which is like cultivating the earth and taking care of what it needs from seeds, weeding, protection and warding off that which would harm it etc. Thus cultivating the earth without watering it is stubborness and effort without result, and watering it without cultivating it is a waste. Tawfiq from Allah is like the rain, the servant has no say in it, and this is the reality (haqiqah). The striving and effort which is like the cultivating of the earth and looking after it is for the servant, which is his action regarding which he will be questioned and compensated. And this is the shariah. *** Shaykh Muhammad Hayat al-Sindi (Allah have mercy on him) in his commentary said (commentary in italics below) 84- Two matters are necessary for a person in order to attain success in the next world: First: Guidance (hidayah) -to the path of goodness- and tawfiq -to perform good actions and leave sins are- from Allah,-in whose Hand lies guidance and tawfiq- which is like the rain which falls on the earth –and gives life to it after its death… Second: Striving towards Allah –Who ordered His servants to strive towards Him- upon the path of uprightness,-which is the Muhammadan way, without any shortcomings and deviation in the principles (usul) and branches (furu)- which is like cultivating the earth –which grows crops by the mere falling of rain upon it- and taking care of what it needs from seeds,-which is the material source of cultivation- weeding, protection –from that which harms– and warding off that which would harm it-which will not facilitate growth- etc.-which are required for cultivation. Thus cultivating the earth without it being watered is stubborness and effort without result,-as the earth does not grow crops without water- and watering it without cultivating it is a waste.-as it does not grow without being cultivated. Tawfiq from Allah is like the rain, the servant has no say in it,-rather it is the Generosity of Allah which He grants whom He wills- and this is the reality (haqiqah).-For in reality all matters in the Hand of Allah and the servant has no say.- The striving and effort which is like the cultivating of the earth and looking after it is for the servant, which is his action -The upshot of this is that Allah (Taala) has placed in the heart the power to choose good and adopt the correct belief, and the power to not choose evil and not adopt false beliefs and knowledge.  Likewise He has placed in his body the power to do good and avoid evil and made him responsible for that that which in in his ability to do. Thus he who utilises his power by the guidance and tawfiq of Allah in that which pleases Him issuccessful, and the one unable to do this is blamed.- regarding which he will be questioned –on the day of judgement-and compensated. And this is the shariah.-whose limits and rulings must be observed, thus every haqiqah which conflicts with the shariah is falseâ

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