FIRST! (Chosen points from each chapter).
Taken from Al-Wasāil Ilā Ma'rifat al-Awā'il by Imām Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī 'Alayhi Al-Rahmah (d.911 AH)
Chapter one: beginning of creation
1. The first day Allāh created was Sunday.
2. The first mountain to be erected on earth was mount "Abū Qubays" (in Makkah Mukarramah).
3. The first house (of Allah) to be built was the Holy Ka'bah
4. The first soul to be blown was the soul of Prophet Ādam 'Alayhi al-Salām into his body through his blessed head.
5. The first angel to prostrate to Prophet Ādam 'Alayhi al-Salām was Isrāfīl 'Alayhi al-Salām.
6. The first Prophet (to be sent) was Prophet Ādam Alayhi al-Salām.
7. The first Messenger was Prophet Nūh 'Alayhi al-Salām (in another narration Propher Idrīs Alayhi al-Salām).
8. The first Prophet to be created was our Prophet SallĀllāhu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam.
9. The first village to be built was "Thamānīn" (80). It was built by Prophet Nūh Alayhi al-Salām after the 80 people came out of the ark. That's why it was named "Thamānīn".
Chapter two: Cleanliness
10. The first person to clip his nails and cut his moustache was Prophet Ibrāhīm 'Alayhi al-Salām.
11. He was also the first to circumcised, used Siwāk and the first one whose beard turned white.
12. The first woman to pierce her ears was Sayyidah Hājar (mother of Prophet Ismā'īl Alayhi al-Salām).
13. The first person to enter Hammām (bathroom) was Prophet Sulaymān 'Alayhi al-Salām.
14. The first women to menstruate were the women of Banī Isrā'īl (Jews). Another narration, Sayyidah Hawwā' when she came down from Jannah.
15. The first to dye his hair black was Fir'aun (Pharoah).
16. The first Muslim to dye his hair was Sayyidunā Abū Quhāfah (father of Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al-Śiddīq RadiAllāhu 'Anhumā). The prophet SallĀllāhu Alayhi Wasallam ordered him to dye using any colour except black.
17. The first companion to narrate the Hadīth "None of you should urinate facing the Qiblah" was Sayyidunā 'Ubaydullāh bin Al-Hārith Al-Zubaydī RadiAllāhu Anhu.
Chapter of Śalāh
18. First Śalāh to become obligatory and to be prayed was Śalāt al-Dhuhr.
19. The first prayer in which Rukū' was performed was Śalāt Al-'Aśr.
20. The first one to call out Adhān in the heavens was Sayyidunā Jibrīl 'Alayhi Al-Salām and the first one to give Adhān on earth was Sayyidunā Bilāl RadiAllāhu Anhu.
21. The first person to give Iqāmah 'Abdullāh Ibn Zayd RadiAllāhu Anhu.
22. The first person to give Adhān in Makka Mukarramah was Sayyidunā Khubayb Ibn 'Abd Al-Rahmān RadiAllāhu Anhu.
23. The first one to add extra Adhān at the beginning of Jumu'ah was Sayyidunā Uthmān RadiAllāhu Anhu.
24. The first time when "Al-Salām 'alā Rasūlillāh (SallĀllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)" was added before the Adhān of Fajr in Egypt and Syria was during the era of Sultān Śalāhuddin Ayyūbī RadiAllāhu 'Anhu. This continued till 767AH then by the command of al-Muhtasib Śalāhuddīn al-Barlasī it was changed to "Al-Śalātu Wa Al-Salāmu 'Alayka Yā RasūlAllāh (ŚallAllāhu Alayhi Wa Sallām)".
25. The first person to give Adhān in Masjid Al-Aqśā was Imām Abū Nu'aym.
26. The first person to fix 12 hours for a day was Sayyidunā Nūh Alayhi Al-Salām in order to know the timings of Śalāh.
27. The first person to lead prayer in Makka Mukarramah after the conquest (Fath) was Sayyidunā Hubayrah Ibn Subul Ibn al-'Ajlān al-Thaqafī RadiAllāhu Anhu by the command of the Prophet ﷺ.
28. The first person who designated a room in his house for prayer was Sayyidunā 'Ammār Ibn Yāsir RadiAllāhu 'Anhumā.
29. The first person to lay gravel/small stones on the floor of Masjid Nabawī was Sayyidunā Umar RadiAllāhu Anhu.
30. The person person to out lights/lamps in the masjid was Sayyidunā Tamīn al-Dārī at the time of Sayyidunā Umar RadiAllāhu 'Anhumā.
31. The first person to adorn the masjid was Walīd Ibn 'Abd al-Malik Ibn Marwān.
32. The first person to erect concave-shaped Mihrāb was Sayyidunā 'Umar Ibn 'Abd al-'Azīz RadiAllāhu Anhu when the Masjid Nabawī was reconstructed.
33. The first person to read Salām (to indicate end of Śalāh) loudly was Sayyidunā Umar RadiAllāhu Anhu.
34. The first person to call Śalāt al-'Ishā as "Dark" was the Satan.
35. The first one to read "Subhān Rabbī al-'A'lā" was Sayyidunā Isrāfīl Alayhi al-Salām.
36. The first person to call Friday as "Jumu'ah" was Ka'ab Ibn Luway RadiAllāhu Anhu (from the forefathers of the prophet ﷺ). Before it was called "al-'Arūbah". He gathered people to preach them thus the name was changed to "Jumu'ah" (a day of gathering).
37. The first Friday prayer prayed by the Prophet ﷺ was in the Masjid of Banī Sā'adah at the bottom of the valley in Madina Munawwarah.
38. The first Jumu'ah prayer prayed in Iraq was in the year 16AH led by Sayyidunā Sa'd Ibn Abī Waqāś RadiAllāhu Anhu in Īwān Kisrā (the famous palace of Khosrau- Persian king).
39. The first grand Masjid build in Egypt was the Jāmī' of 'Amar Ibn al-'Āś RadiAllāhu Anhu in the year 21AH.
40. The first time when Jumu'ah prayer was prayed several times in on city was in the year 280AH. Before only one Jumu'ah was prayed in a city.
41. First person to deliver a sermon on a pulpit was by Sayyidunā Ibrahīm 'Alayhi al-Salām.
42. The first person to build a pulpit for the Prophet ﷺ was Sayyidunā Tamīm Al-Dārī RadiAllāhu Anhu.
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