Sunday, July 21, 2013

Imam Al-Ghazzali's Influence On the Muslim West |By Abul Layth

I thought of translating a biography of Shaykh-ul-Islaam Abu Haamid Al-Ghazzaali and then I realized that there is plenty of literature on his magnificent life. There is not, however, much information in the way of Imam Al-Ghazzaali’s influence on Muslim Western thought. What I mean by “Muslim Western” thought is Andalusia and WestAfrica. What lead me to this issue was some personal readings and research that I have been doing on Al-Ghawth Abu Madyan Shu’ayb Al-Ansaari(d. 594 A.H), a famous Sufi scholar of thewestern Muslim world that studied beneath ShaykhAbdul-Qaadir Al-Jilaani and whom the Shadhili Silsilah goes through. He has been dubbed, atleast by some orientalists, “The Junayd of the West”. Before I mention the details of this issue, I want youto close your eyes and picture the globe. Mark in your pictured mine “Fes, Morocco” and then draw a line to Iran. According to Shaykh GoogleEarth it isnearly 3,300 miles (approx. 5,300 kilometers). Let us take into consideration a few of the following facts: A) One would generally travel accross the whole of Northern Africa in their travels to Persia. B) What would you see? What thieves and thugs would you encounter? What about the Heat? No Air-conditioning! Travelling through deserts that wild camels do not even graze! Water?Tayammumhere we come! C) The length and time of the journey! I think I have gotten the point across! In this great Wali’s story we find that he studied beneath some fantastically bright scholars in Fez and elsewhere in Morocco. It so happens that Al-Ghawth Abu Madyan studied beneath two Shaykhs in Fez that had chains tracing back to ImamAl-Ghazzali. The first:Abul Hasan Ibn ‘Ali ibn Ghaalib (rahimahullah) (d. 568 A.H). This Shaykh sat with Abul-’Abbas Ahmad ibn Al-’Aarif (d. 536) who tookthe Ihyaa’ ‘Ulum Ad-Deen from Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Balaawiy (d 545) who took the Ihyaa from the tongue of Abu Haamid Al-Ghazzaali (d. 505 A.H). The second:Abul Hasan ibn ‘Ali ibn Hirzihim (d 559 A.H). This Shaykh was one of the most beloved to Al-Ghawth Abu Madyan. He studied the Ihyaa with him and took tasawwuf from his teachings. Abul Hasan ibn Hirzihim took the Ihyaa from Abu Muhammad ibn Saalih ibn Hirzihim, his uncle, (d. 505) who took it from Abu Haamid Al-Ghazzali. Abul Hasan ibn Hirzihim, according to one report, also took the Ihyaa from none other than the famous Sufi, Abu Bakr Ibn Al-’Arabi. ((For more on these studies refer to Kitaab at-tashawwuf ilaa rijaalat tasawwuf of Shaykh At-Taadiliy )) When one reads the works of Abu Madyan, then compares them to Al-Ghazzali’s Ihyaa, one will find clear similitudes. The most striking example for me, at least, was Abu Madyan’s stress upon hunger and lack of food. Abu Madyan (as well as His Shaykhs) strongly believed that hunger was one of the best ways to subdue the nafs into annihilation. He said in his Bidaayatul Mureed, “Hunger is the vehicle for the ‘Aabideen, theTareeq(path) of theSaaliheen(righteous), the Minhaj (methodology) of the‘Aarifeen(gnostics), the key of theMuhtadeen(rightly guided), and the goal of those who have arrived at the highest level of ‘Illiyyin.” He also said, “I have examined the writings of the Prophets, Pious, the companions, their Successors, and the scholars of the past generations, and I have not found that anything attains Allah ta’alaa except be it by Hunger. This is because one who becomes hungry becomes Humble (tawaadha’), one who becomes humble begs (i.e. Allah), and one who begs, Attains! So cling to hunger, my brother, and practice it constantly, for by means of it you will attain what you desire and will arrive at that for which you hope.” If one reads the Ihyaa, they will find the same thingencouraged. This is just one minor example of the similtude between the manhaj of Imaam Al-Ghazzaali and Abu Madyan. Knowledge travelled, and it arrived at the farthest ends of the Muslim World. The Mujaddid, Imam Al-Ghazzali quickly had influence over all of the Maghrib (the west). Indeed, this is proof of the barakah in his message! Oh Allah bless your prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and followers. Ameen!

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