Monday, March 31, 2014

Ummah needs Zikr

“Allah warns people [in the Qur’an]: And be ye not like those who forgot Allah; and He made them forget their own souls! Such are the rebellious transgressors! [Surat Al Hashr 59:19] They forgot about Allah and Allah made them forget about themselves, as a consequence. Look at the aya. How strong! You forget about the dhikr of Allah and Allah will make you forget about yourself. What does that mean? You are lost! And therefore, look at the Ummah. The situation of the Ummah requires lots of dhikr today. The individual situation of the Muslims requires lots of dhikr today. And that’s why you see the individuals are lost and the Ummah as a whole now is lost. Not Islam! Islam is preserved by Allah. But the Muslims have to work up to the standards of Islam. And the reason the tawfiq is limited is because the dhikr isn’t there. They forgot about Allah so Allah make them forget about themselves. If you forget about the dhikr of Allah, then you are going to have a serious problem in iman and tawheed. Al Imam Ibn Ataa’illah Al Iskandari said “If you do not occupy yourself with the Haq, yourself will occupy you the Batil.” Instead of occupying yourself with the dhikr of Al-Khaliq (The Creator), it wants you to occupy yourself with the dhikr of the khalq (creation).” Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy

Your Destination

Everyone will reach according to what he does: if he is doing goodness, he will reach goodness forever, and if he is running after badness and shaytanic ideas, then he is going to reach that shaytanic power that will take him up like a hurricane and then leave him to fall. Now all people are under that terrible situation. May Allah forgive us. Sayyidi Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al Haqqani An Naqshbandi

Wage war on Shaytan and recite: " 'Aa'uzu billahi mina shaytan nir Rajeem"

"It has been said that Iblis sends out three hundred and sixty soldiers, on a daily basis, with the mission of leading the believer astray. But then, if the believer seeks refuge with Allah, Allah casts three hundred and sixty glances into his heart, and every one of those glances of His results in a fatal casualty for one of the soldiers of the Devil, may Allah doom him to damnation!" - Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al Jilani [Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, Volume 2]

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Riding Beast:

"The ego is at the heart of every troubIe in the Iives of aII individuaIs and society in generaI, the cuIprit who has earned the titIe: “PubIic Enemy Number One”. May AIIah grant us His Divine Guidance so we may continue on the straight path and be successfuI in fighting the deviIs and our Iower seIves, our egos. The Holy Prophet (SaIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIam) used to ask AIIah to protect him against his ego: 'Oh AIIah don’t Ieave me in the hands of my ego for even a spIit second, the time it takes to bIink an eye or Iess than that'! In praying thus, the HoIy Prophet (SaIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIam) was setting an exampIe for his Nation, showing us that we shouId aIways seek Divine Protection against our own Iower seIves. This teaching of the Prophet (SaIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIam) is very important. The ego is a most dangerous enemy of mankind which triumphs by making peopIe faII into HeII, here and hereafter. The answer is to be found in the Prophet’s saying: “Your ego is your riding animaI, your mount.” If not for the ego, you wouId have to “waIk”. Therefore, Allah gives us egos to “ride” on that we may move forward. As we know of the HoIy Prophet (SaIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIaam) himseIf, his ego appeared to him as “Burraq”, the heavenly winged steed that bore him from Earth to Heaven. But the desired transformation can onIy take pIace once we have taken our mount firmIy in rein; onIy then may it serve us as a heavenIy winged horse for taking us to our heavenIy pirituaI stations. Any one of us who strives, his ego may be transformed into a “Burraq” as weII. In any given time it is impossibIe for peopIe to attain heavenIy positions without foIIowing an Inheritor of the Holy Prophet (SaIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIaam)! The Prophet (SaIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIam) has said: 'Never wiII there cease to be a group from among my Nation Iiving in the best and truest manner, untiI the Resurrection Day', so if you can find even one person from among those peopIe, he may suffice you for Iearning what you need to know. One person’s teaching may suffice at the whoIe worId! But AIIah in His endIess Bounty and Generosity, has caused 124,000 Saints to be Iiving in each time, each one representing and embodying the spiritual emanations of one of the 124,000 Prophets. One Saint has been made to represent our BeIoved Prophet S(aIIahu ‘aIayhi wa saIam), who is the Imam and Ieader of aII the Prophets. Therefore, it is the duty of every MusIim to look for an inheritor of the Prophets, so he may Iearn how to deaI with his ego effectiveIy and how to put it under his command." Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse [d.1975],

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Become a Man of AllAH

"If you can't be a doctor, if you can't be an engineer, if you can't be a writer, become a man of Allah, become a man who removes calamities around you. When a wali lives in area, the whole area will be full of light!" (Shaykh Abul Huda Al Yaqoubi)

The Coccyx Miracle in Islam and Science…

Abu Huraira said, "Allah's Apostle said, 'Between the two sounds of the trumpet, there will be forty." Somebody asked Abu Huraira, "Forty days?" But he refused to reply. Then he asked, "Forty months?" He refused to reply. Then he asked, "Forty years?" Again, he refused to reply. Abu Huraira added. "Then (after this period) Allah will send water from the sky and then the dead bodies will grow like vegetation grows, There is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone; that is the little bone at the end of the coccyx of which the human body will be recreated on the Day of Resurrection." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 457) Explanation of the Hadith 1) The tailbone (coccyx) is the last bone at the end of your spine. 2) It is the only part of the body that does not decompose and cannot be destroyed. It cannot be finished even by burning under high temperature. 3) The first things to form inside the fertilized egg are the “primitive streak” and “node” [around 15 days later] from which all of the body of the baby originates and cells begin to form. Both of these later turn into the “tailbone”. 4) The tailbone contains mother cells for the body. 5) The first western scientist to discover the secret of the tailbone was a German named Hans Spemann (b. 1869 d. 1941) based at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. He called the Primitive streak and node the “primary organizer” which clearly suggests that the tailbone was the basic place of origin of the human. 6) After many experiments, he concluded that there was nothing that influenced the primary organizer and it could not be destroyed. 7) Hans Spemann was awarded the “Noble Prize” in 1935 for this discovery.8) Today, WARNEK (an organization responsible for ethical research on human fertilization & genetics) prohibits scientists to conduct experiments on fertilized eggs in which the primitive streak has already been formed. This shows the importance of the streak.Now think, when Prophet Muhammad’s information about the tailbone has been discovered by modern science, that it is where the human body is created from and that it will not be destroyed until every person shall be resurrected and reformed from it, his news that we shall be raised in another world from this tailbone shall also become true so do not neglect this fact.Peace be upon our Master Muhammad, the Final and Truthful Messenger of Allah Almighty who informed of us this news of the unseen many hundred years ago!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fragrance of Salawaat Gathering

"It is related from one of the Companions (radiallahu anhum ajmaeen), There is no gathering in which blessings upon Prophet Muhammad(salallahu'alay'he'wasallam) are asked for but that a Beautiful Fragrance rises from it, which reaches Clouds in The Sky and the Angels Say, ' This is a gathering in which Blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (salallahu'alay'he'wa'sallam) are being asked for" (Dalail ul Khayraat)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Attain Lofty Spiritual Degrees

"If you really aspire to attain lofty spiritual degrees, follow closely these recommendationsof mine: I advise you to strive hard for knowledge, show gratitude towards Allāh, be sincere in worship and generosity. I recommend you to practice silence, patience and abstinence. Do avoid wordiness and excessive sleeping, stay aside from aught that entails immorality and corruption." - Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba Rahimahullah

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Yearn For Prophet

"O People who weep in yearning for the Prophet ﷺ, a tree weeped for him and he ﷺ walked down from his mimbar whilst delivering Jumu'ah khutbah just to comfort the tree..Don't you think that for his blessed followers who weep for him, out of love for him ﷺ, don't you think he would come to comfort you?.." | Sayyid Habib Umar Bin Hafiz


“Pain -- there is some type of disquietude in the body to let you know it is not fulfilling its function. So if suddenly you have got the pain in your liver and you go and he says you have got hepatitis. That pain is to let you know that the function has been disrupted. The same is true for the soul. If you are not fulfilling your function which is to worship Allah, testify to His oneness and to behave accordingly then you will be in pain and suffering until you come into accordance. That is a gift from Allah in the same way that pain, signs and symptoms, are gifts for people so they can go to a physician and get well.” | Shaykh Hamza Yūsuf. May all our ailments, physical and spiritual, be cured. Ameen.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ettiquetes of Zikr

As for its ettiquettes [ādābiha], there are twenty-two. Among them are five which precede the utterance of the remembrance: (1) Repentance [at-tawbah]. That is the slave's abandoning whatever is not meant for him, in word, deed and desire. (2) Complete cleanliness from ritual impurity and filth. (3) Silence and stillness. (4) Seeking the spiritual assistance, from the spiritual will [himma] of the Shaykh, in the heart- when initiating and all the while during it. That is because he is the escort, and the best of escorts in the journey to Allah. And this is one of the most important etiquettes. Even if he calls upon his Shaykh for help with his tongue when he has a need, it is permissible. (5) Knowing that seeking assistance of the Shaykh is in reality seeking the assistance of the Prophet (SWS), since the Presence is One. Among them are twelve while performing remembrance [fī ḥāl adh-Dhikr]: (1) Sitting in a pure place with one's legs folded, or like the sitting in prayer- he latter being preferred. Facing the Qiblah if he is alone, in a circle if not- with them alternating stances, the one who begins sitting like the sitting in prayer and the last with his legs folded. (2) Placing one's hands on one's knees. (3) Perfuming the place of remembrance, the body and the mouth and doing away with bad odors, since the place of remembrance is not free of angels and believing jinn. And they do not approach bad odors.So when they depart from the place of remembrance, the spiritual assistance departs- as is witnessed by spiritual experience. (4) Donning a clean, lawful, perfumed robe. (5) That the place be dark. Even if there is a lamp in it, it should be put out, even if its the only one and being used. This is on the condition that one can. (6) Closing ones eyes, since this assists in illuminating the heart. For by that, one cut off the avenues of the physical senses. And by their being cut off, it opens for him the spiritual senses. (7) Keeping the image of his Shaykh before his eyes, in whatever way he can. And that is the most confirmed of etiquettes. (8) Sincerity. This is equal for the inner and outer (9) Pure devotion. That is that the action should be purified from every blemish. So one should not seek the world, nor the hereafter, reward, nor high status. One should only remember Allah out of love for Allah. (10) That one practice remembrance with a perfect concentration. (11) That the meaning of the remembrance be present in the heart with every utterance. And that one listen, during the remembrance, to his heart, keeping the meaning present, until it is as if one's heart is the rememberer and he is the one listening. (12) Expelling everything from the heart other than Allah, the Exalted, by "Lā ilāha illā Allah," enabling "Lā ilāha illā Allah" to impact the heart and flow to the limbs. And among them are five after finishing the remembrance: (1) Silence and sitting still, keeping the remembrance present by keeping up with it in his heart, taking advantage of what proceeds from the remembrance. For maybe it will furnish him with a profit in the blinking of an eye and he will be provided in a moment what thirty years of struggle would not have provided him with. And this profit could be abstinence, piety, bearing patiently with injury, unveiling, love or more than that. Then, if one is quite and still, the profits will encompass all of his affairs. So it is incumbent upon him to wait as much as is possible. If not, he should leave. (2) Vigilance with respect to Allāh, the Exalted, until it is as if he is directly in front of Him. (3) That he gather all of his senses so that not even a hair on him should move, like the state of the cat when it hunts a mouse. (4) That he restrain himself repeatedly until the benefits encompass all of his affairs. That is because that is the easiest way to illuminate his insight, remove the veils, and to cut off the insinuations of the nafs and Shaytan- since when he restrains himself and hinders his senses, he becomes like the dead person. And Shaytan does not seek out the dead person. (5) Never drinking water following the remembrance, nor during it. That is because remembrance is a fire which brings lights, manifestations,profits, and the longing on account of the instigation of the One remembered. And drinking water puts out every fire. At the very least he should be patient for half an hour. And whoever can wait longer is better, to the point that the sincere one almost does not drink, except under extreme circumstances. - Sīdī Muḥammad Naẓīfī: Foundations of Illumination and Gratification in What Remembrances and Litanies Pertain to the Tijani [Mabādi al-Ishrāq wa al-Isʼād fī mā li at-Tijānī min al-Idhkār wa al-Awrād] translated from the Arabic by Sidi Talut Dawood

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

€€ Kalame sheikhulalam €€ 12th

The day when hell wilt get aggravated by the lord. That day virtue and vice wilt be evaluated. Conscious, if thou art to thy defined doctrine. Triumphant wilt thou be here and hereafter.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

€€ Kalame sheikhulalam €€ 11th

Always should thou repeat the counting beads of his Name. Infatuated shalt not be thou with worldly colours. Be in remembrance of Him, day and night. So be conscious or else it may be a virtual death.

Monday, March 3, 2014

€€ Kalame sheikhulalam €€ 10th

Feeling him , mediated I Searched and Wished Him. Quaffed I the poison of self desires patiently. Buried i mybeing in broad day light. Carnal appetites did i defeat and everlasting wealth did i gain. SubhanALLAH !