Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Wrap yourself in Sabr and wind on the turban of Tawba. Wear the shirt of Zuhd and in it exhaust your strength. Put on the twin sandals of Khawf and Raja'. Take the staff of Yaqin and a store of Taqwa. Take the bridle of 'Ilm and horse of Himma And the protection of companions who will guard you from Bala' (trouble). So struggle seriously and travel quickly on the journey. Do not be stopped by the comtemplation of created existence, that would veil you from the place of safety. Rather reflect on Ihsan and be sincere in shukr to Him and get up at dawn, be humble, and hand over your trouble to Him. Muhammad ibn al-Habib

Friday, May 8, 2015

Jewels Of Imam Suyuti (part 4th)

FIRST! (part 4) --------------- Taken from Al-Wasāil Ilā Ma'rifat al-Awā'il by Imām Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī 'Alayhi Al-Rahmah (d.911 AH) --------------- Chapter of Funeral and Illnesses. 51. The first person to pass away was Sayyidunā Ādam Alayhi Al-salām. 52. The first person to wish for death was Sayyidunā Yūsuf Alayhi Al-Salām. 53. The first person who gathered people on praying Salāt al-Janāzah with 4 Takbīr was Sayyidunā 'Umar RadiAllāhu 'anhu. 54. The first grave upon which water was sprinkled was the grave of the beloved son of the Prophet ﷺ Sayyidunā Ibrahīm RadiAllāhu 'anhu. 55. The first from the blessed wives of the Prophet ﷺ to pass away after him was Sayyidatunā Zaynab Bint Jahash RadiAllāhu 'anhā. 56. The first person to be buried in the grave of al-Baqī' (Madina Munawwarah) was Sayyidunā 'Uthmān Ibn Madh'ūn RadiAllāhu 'anhu. 57. The first person who prayed upon the Prophet ﷺ was Sayyidunā 'Abbās RadiAllāhu 'anhu. 58. The first fever occurred upon the lion which was in the ark of Prophet Nūh Alayhi Al-Salām. 59. The first plague that afflicted people after the advent of Islam was in Syria in the year 18 AH. 60. The first plague ever to afflict humans was the plague that Allāh sent to the people of Pharaoh. To be continued (chapter of Zakāt next ) Courtesy:- M-Hussain Qadri

Jewels Of Imam Suyuti (part 3rd)

FIRST! (part 3) --------------- Taken from Al-Wasāil Ilā Ma'rifat al-Awā'il by Imām Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī 'Alayhi Al-Rahmah (d.911 AH) --------------- 43. The first person to say "Ammā Ba'd" was Sayyidunā Da'ūd Alayhi Al-Salām or Sayyidunā Ya'qūb Alayhi Al-salām 44. The person person to recite at the end of the Khutba was Sayyidunā Umar Ibn 'Abdul 'Azīz RadiAllāhu Anhu. The preachers carried on doing so till this day and age. 45. The first person to deliver sermon before 'īd prayer was Sayyidunā Uthmān RadiAllāhu Anhu. 46. The first person to lead eclipse prayer in Baśrah was Sayyidunā Ibn Abbās RadiAllāhu Anhumā. 47. The first time when earthquake happened after the advent of Islam was in the year 20AH during the caliphate of Sayyidunā Umar RadiAllāhu Anhu. 48. The first time ever when earthquake happened was when Qābīl killed Sayyidunā Hābīl RadiAllāhu Anhu (the son of Prophet Ādam Alayhi Al-Salām). 49. The first time when Salāt Al-Khawf was prayed was during the battle of Dhāt Al-Riqā' in the year 5AH. 50. The first person to pray Salāt al-Duhā was Sayyidunā Dhū al-Zawāid (companion of the Prophet ﷺ). [Some scholars were of the opinion that this means the first time when it was prayed with Jamā'ah].